Friday, March 25, 2011

. O . R . D . E . R . S . and . T . Q . Cik Jari


hyee alls....

yeap...nothing much to say...

1st...sbb bz bz......!!

3 kali repeats tu means sgt bz... bz yg lain..

n at this moment... this very moment...

there's a ladybird butterfly in my stomach...

am worried right now... of someone...

to u.. yeap u!! if u'r read these later on...

siap la  nnt !!!!! grr...

jd nyer idea tros hero to zero ...

adoi la...

ta pe...ta pe...

lets check out the pic's ...

Choco Oreo wif Edible Image..
order from my fren Kak Wati...

n this.... Choco Pralines..9 pieces..
various fillings...

orders from my cousin Kak Ija..


for his lil princess...
Zafreen Huda..
yeap... "kakak nak gamba princess kan.."

taadaa ...........

Choco Oreo with Edible Image of barbie's.....


yg ni for my mom fren's ...



Ok... tue je....


ade g satu...

I would like to say a




 Cik Jari ...

for a special entry in her blog about D' Choco Pot's ...

a week ago...yeap..da lama..hehe

tp sbb bz sket...ada my cousin wedding and so ..

so... teheheheee....
ok...thats all..
thank u ....

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Y . E . L . L . O . W & G . W . E . E . N


heyya alls..

kali ni...order for my mom fren's ..

aunty R.A. ....

these choco pralines were ordered for her husband anak saudara...

engagement day's ....

Choco Pralines 25 Pieces in Window Box


as there are no requested theme...

so i choosed the color of yellow and gween....

yeap... striking colors...

with blackberry  blueberry
(ops..typing error pasal mengidam blackberry.. ^_^ hello..!! )...


and half crushed mario oreo ...

actually....D' Choco Pot's ada various filling..

and kami sentiasa tambah new flavor for the  filling tu..

as for now.. we already had :

- almond filling -
- strawberry filling -
- blueberry filling -
- minty filling -
- orange filling -
- tiramisu filling -
- oreo filling -

tp bukan semua ade dlm stocks...sbb nyer...
i dont like keeping it for such a very long period..
contoh nyer..buat strawberry filling byk2..then simpan 2-3 bulan..
lain la kalo DCP ni da hevat kan..
everyday ade orders..

at one time...ade la a few fillings yg mmg ade dlm stock..
kalo korang order hari ni..nak esok jugak jugak la kan..
so sorry kalau filling tu in limited of choices..
but if korang order 3 days b4 delivery..
bleh la choose from above listed filling...

al kisah nyerrr.......
tu je lah...
penat sesangat today..
erk..bukan today je..minggu ni..
ade my cousin wedding...

yang penting BEST !!

thats all..

- T Q -



Friday, March 11, 2011


hye all...
ok..nothing much to say... sbb nyer im a lil bit bz... for my wedding cousin wedding.. tehehe..

my cousin yang same age with me..
dulu time kecik2 slalu main sama2...hehe...

n then..ade another sumthing yang keeps me bz till end of this month..
semoga ada rezeki di situ..amin...

ok..for this time...kenapa early birds..? huhu
sbb nyer ni order from my 1st customer since i established
D' Choco Pot's..

orders from my fren..kak wati..thank u kak... mom sponsored a numbers of Choco Pralines in Sushi Box for
my cousin daughter's
majlis aqiqah doorgifts...
yeap..Zafeera Hani... comelness...hoho..
luv ya Hani...sgt cute and adorable..

kak wati ordered for Choco Pralines 9 Pieces ..

yeap...ada 10..tehehe..

ready to go...

Choco Oreo with Edible Image
yang ni kan..yang ni i made for Hani elder sister Huda..
n guest what...she like it so much..

the Choco Pralines in Sushi Boxes
various flavors...

choco pralines ni various feelings fillings..
almond..oreo... naughty nutty..
n blueberry....

last but not least..

lovely yet very adorable me Zafeerah Hani...
the comelness..
dan pemilik baby blog...
muaaahhhhhhhhh .. ^_^

- T . Q -


D' Choco Pot's

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Mendung hari ni....
BUT...hari ni coklat yang we would like to presents ..nk feed kat blog ni penuh dgn warna warni...
its for kids only ... besar pon kalo nk yg colorful cam ni ..
bleh jugak....
takde masalah....

ok...these chocs actually requested by my mom's fren for his son...
n then ade a few lg yg nk jugak for their kids..
buat skali harung la..
so the design are from my
babies+boys+girls collections...

lets check out the arts..

available patterns.... cute!!!
semua ni handmade n homemade..
terjamin kebersihan dan kesuciannya...

for that lady yang asked me choc's
for his son....
 hope ur son like it...
p/s : dgr cite ur hubby mintak satu pon dia tak kasi yea..
peace all ^_^

transportation collections...
choco art's for boys..

from babies collection's...
other patterns available are smiling star.. smiling sunshine..
choo choo train...

gurly's collections....
there are some more patterns like
heels... hair comb...
princess tiara...sunglasses... handbag..
diamond ring..necklace...
cute huh!! ^_^

but yang paling i loike..these pattern's...



in single box...
also available as lolly chocs..

mixed.... yg ni dalam sigle box....
Actually....semua ni bleh jugak korang request dalam
bentuk lolly chocs... means ade stick mcm lollypop tu...

for customers..

a big THANK U

D' Choco Pot's