Thursday, February 24, 2011



hye all...

yeap...tgk tajuk entry.... LAPAR!!!! mmg lapar....da lama tak makan..... ops....definitely not me....teheee...
blog ni.... blog ni ... blog ni la... da lama tuan tanah dia tak bg makan...hehehe... da kurus da aku blog ni..

kenape yea... erm... tu la....actually there are things to update feeds to this kan....masalah nyer malas masa tu ....suka jelous jelous kat i....warghhhhhhhhhhhh...

Ade org...kat luar sana tu...ada yang tanya... how's ur biz...?? ok ke? ade org order ke?? huhu....time kasih..amik berat.... at least diorang tau kan...  D' Choco Pot's does exist...hehe...ok...ala...adat la kan...bila mula2 biz tu..takkan ler terus income riban ade jugak...rezeki masing-masing...

so for us..ade jugak order....for this month ade more than 10 orders.... ok what..not bad la..tehehehe...ape pon...Alhamdulillah... semoga rezeki D' Choco Pot's ni terus murah...amin...

for those yang always support us....thank u so much....nnt order lagi yea!!! xoxo!!!

ok... bro and babes...  hehe..tuan2 dan puan..... tunggu... tunggu... tunggu yea... c ya very soon ok....

Thank U


Tuesday, February 15, 2011



heyya alls....

hari tu da kata nk post special entry kan...tak la special mane pon bg korang... but for me....yes...
 a special day for me....for us....
very special...selepas semua dugaan dan rintangan... wink**

syukur Alhamdulillah....semua berjalan lancar seperti yang dirancang...

this blog adalah khas untuk kisah cinta CHOCOLATE sahaja ler..hahaha...

ok...lets go back on chocolate yang aku aku buat for my own engagement day...
a hantaran  for me him....

sbb for a very special person...siap buat 2 layer lagi.... special...hehe..

okeh...lets proceed tgk gambo gambar-gambar aku coklat ber'posing...

tehee.... blushing ~~~

pralines with various art's ...

the 2nd layer...
theme of pink&red fav colors..

the 2nd layer...

ini the 1st layer...
the theme of green...white....and nutty...

and .... siap ade choco card's lagi..
n wording .... handwriting...heheh

.... (",) ....

choco pralines....with various fillings...
nutty...almond...crushed oreo...n blueberry..
and letak dalam window box..

dah..dah....tak payah nk scroll sampai kaki blog ni dah...mmg takde nyer..
dah kata blog ni untuk jual coklat kan...
so gamba coklat je la...
kang letak aku kang..
giler glam pulak..hehehe...
malu pon yea jugak..

owh...if ade yg problem at all...
kalo ade yg nk design sendiri...we can discuss all that ...

contact kami okeh....
jangan malu-malu...


Saturday, February 12, 2011

SPECIAL ENTRY!! SOOONNNNN.................


hye ALL...

haha....soon...............very very soon....will b updating a special entry...very very special for me....
haha.....stay tune!!! kot kot ade la yg takde..heheh...

kepada yang selalu atau ade la menjenguk blog yg tak seberapa ni... thank u so much...really appreciate it..
n kepada family n frens yang support my biz n us alwiz...lagi lah a big thanks to all of u... esp kepada kwn2 yang baru je hang out sesama tadi... actually celebrate birthday one of us... pasni bleh la tambah product...tehehehe...buat kek pulak..
oh... korang mmg best !! melalut da...hee...

k.... thank u...

oh...selingan.... my homemade choco cake...for my fren bday..
n kepada yg membelanja mkn td...thank u..thank u...
heheh....maafkan rupe yg tak seberapa tu..hehe

FB merajuk hari ni..sila EMAIL ..


hye all..

actually takde tempahan nk nnt la...
juz nk buat aduan...hari ni my FACEBOOK tak leh bukak...err...login...tatau ler pasal pe...
ade org nk buat tempahan .. n then dgn pesanan "plz PM me asap" .. camner tu? adoi...bleh baca dia nyer msg tu kat takleh reply.. kalo terbaca...t tolong email yea.... so that bleh reply ur query a.s.a.p. ....
sorry for your inconvenience.... sadis FB ni..

to "YOU" ... PLEASE email me at DCHOCOPOT@YAHOO.COM ...... ok tu je.. ^_^


Monday, February 7, 2011

. S . H . I . M . A . & . N . A . I . M .

salam...  hye all.... this time.... our choco art's for SHIMA AND NAIM wedding... wedding ceremony yang memang 3 hari 3 malam.. heheh... sgt meriah... so..lets check out some of the photos... of our choco product's ...

to dearest shima n naim.... may Allah bless both of u.... forever... amin....

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Choco Pralines in Window Box for Wani's Convo Day !!

Salam... hi... this time.... my 1st task... a box of choco pralines for Wani punyer convo day!!
Student Art n Design, Uitm Shah Alam.... Owh..she is my ( Dilla ) sister ...
Pegi jugak konvo dia... n tetibe jer teringat my good old days kat UiTM... time study dulu..
best woh!!

time degree dulu... i ada geng.. yg dipanggil geng FullHouse.. nape? sbb satu rumah tinggal 9 org...haha...dasat.. dah la time tu tgh famous citer korea FullHouse tu.. hehe.. sorry..merepek.. ehem..

ok.. lets enjoy the pictures...

35 pcs Choco Pralines in window box... siap ader choco greetings card lagi..
ni sape nak boleh je.. on special request la...

siap ikat ribbon lagi.... ce ce ceh.....

my choco art's... bersengkang mata ..
demi adik tersayang....woh.. touched...

ade mix feeling filling.... oreo crushed... nutty ...
and orange ....

tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ...... !!
this time guna both milk and white choc...

tuan tanah ( Dilla ) amd sisters .....
tuan tanah yg pakai tudung hijau...

dan lagi.... biar semua kenal .... senang nnt korang nak berurusan...
confident la sikit kan...

owh..neway... tah korang perasan ke tak...
D ' Choco Pot's ade 2 owner...
Dilla... and Fared...

hokeh... those yang interested nak buat tempahan..
sila.. sila.... ^_^

- TQ -